Between Home - Update

In my last post, I mentioned I was unable to attend the screening of Between Home in Berlin... However, just two days before the film was set to screen, my sailor friend Rob (who I met the first day I saw Constellation, and whom also believed in my trip from the very beginning), sent me an email and said 'I cannot believe you're not coming... I'll pay half your ticket!' - Within the hour, a ticket was purchased, and the next day I flew off to Berlin. Picked up at the airport by a festival chauffeur, I arrived just 1.5 hours before the premier started. Watching oneself on the big screen is unexplainable. For a few moments, I wasn't sure whether I'd be able to sit through the entire film, I was so nervous... Thankfully Jack was too, so we consoled each other, watched audience reactions, and laughed at memories the film brought back.

Thank you: Rob for getting me to Berlin, Jack & Regina for hosting me, my friend Ben for traveling up from Austria (and loaning me his coat jacket, so I had at least a minor air of respectability), Vanilla for posing as my producer to get me onto a new flight (after my original one was canceled due to weather), Karen for flying over from the UK, the Achtung Berlin film festival, Angela for her driving, and Marty for holding the fort in my absence.

After spending six days and Berlin, it was time to fly home... Until I realised I'd barely gotten over jet lag... So I decided to take a share car down to Austria, and see how my old friend Ben was living, in the alps... Here is a little clip of our days walking, hanging with his son, and slacklining in the mountains.

For those wondering when the film will be public - Please don't ask me, as I have absolutely no idea! It's Jack's film, so it's probably best to ask him :)